Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Many people see me for Headaches - migraine, tension, cluster, sinus.
What can I do? The common thread in all these types of headaches is one
or more of the following- all of which I can successfully treat:
The jamming of the base of the skull down on the top vertebra.
The forward weight bearing of the head.
The lack of motion in the upper back.
The side to side curvature of the upper back and neck.
The spasming of one or more muscles which hold the head up.
There are various causes for all of these chronic conditions, but they all
cause headaches and can be treated.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Chiropractic career

I was asked how I became a Chiropractor. Well I was in my 20s and I was already very interested in health. I ate healthy, did yoga stretches and exercised a lot. Then one day I woke up with a very stiff and painful neck. I could not move or even breath without severe pain. The MD gave me muscle relaxants and pain meds and this only made the condition slightly more tolerable. A week went by and I woke up even worse. A friend told me that my condition was physical and I should see a Chiropractor. I did. I was instantly 60% better, fully recovered shortly thereafter. I got such great results that I chose Chiropractic as my career and here I am a quarter of a century later.